October is the Month of the Rosary - the Rosary is a series of prayers said to remember the life of Jesus, but we also think about Mary and how she experienced the life of her Son.

People often say no parent should have to watch their child die. But Mary did. She had to watch as her son, her boy was tortured, crucified and executed [killed]. Then she held His broken body in her arms. It reminds me of how a lot of mothers must feel living in London, when the police comes to their door to tell them because of knife crime, gun crime or gang violence, that their child isn't coming home. I think that there is a lot to be learnt from Mary. Do you think there are other examples in Mary's life where she shows us what it means to obey God?
The Rosary gives Catholics a chance to contemplate - to really think about God, Jesus, Mary and what it means to be a good Catholic. Can you think of any issues today that a good Catholic might want to think about when saying the Rosary?
Some Catholics like to use rosary beads to pray the Rosary, some wear it as a fashion item, when it isn't. It's a prayer tool, something to use in prayer, like the Bible and we don't wear the Bible?!
What are your thoughts about all things to do with the Rosary?
Think Big!
Ms K