Think big, give examples ask me questions!
Happy blogging!
Ms K
Always looking to take our students further ... we are committed to challenging your thinking both in and out of the classroom by exploring key religious and philosophical ideas which will empower you to become the leaders of the 21st century. Serviam, RE Dept
I think you should make your own decisions and be who you really are and try to fit in with other people and learn the environment and how people are and what they are. High school musical is about enjoying who you are and what you are in life, and how you should be grateful for all the things you have.
ReplyDeleteI think everybody should have their own choice and choose if they want to belong to a community. If they want to be own their then thats their descion. Some people like being independent and doing their own thing so I think the fact is that we can choose if we belong somewhere or if we dont
ReplyDeleteNo you shouldn't change change who you are just to fit in it will be so boring if we all had the same Interest, being different is a sigh of explore and difference...
ReplyDeleteTo fit in means hid the different you inside and show your so called perfect "life" to everyone but for me fit in means nothing because im already fitted in because i am who i am , i dont need to change it to be with someone if someone want me join them ... accept me the way i am and still im not going to change even if you make me but putting that on one hand i still enjoy the fullnes of life alone as who i am and when i want to and no one can tell me to "fit in".Belong means a commiunity and a group e.g family,football club , st Angelas ect and we all belong somewere even if you think you dont belong to anything think of it as " your the daughter of the king God" and you belong there.I know sometimes you might feel like you dont belong but in time you will dont worry everything is going to be just as you like it because you belong with us. BY SIMONA MARTINKUTE 7 PARKER YEAR 7
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, I think that just being who you are is all that matters, really. I also think that there's nothing wrong with just being who you are; belonging in a great big community (much like St Angela's) needs every individuals. If the world was all the same with people with the same opinion- won't our world be dull? That's why being an individual makes our community a much nicer place to be in.
Michaella Maniago 7Ayres
i think fitting in , means when alot of people in your group have something in church everyone believes in god, and like school everyone goes there to learn.
ReplyDeleteI disagree to the fact that we should change to fit in, the reason being is that God created us with a unique spark to us all so for that reason people should accept other people for who they really are. However its their choice if they want to change just to fit in or just fit in with people who accepts you for just you.
ReplyDeleteIf you feel you belong and fit in the income is true happiness, For example St. Angela's its a community where girls have the chance to build new friendships, apart of a new family and somewhere we all have something in common such as our faith and lastly we create happiness to each other in one environment.
7 Ayres
I think we shouldn’t stick to the flow of thing because we have to be are self and be very
ReplyDeleteComfortable in whom we are also if their was the same boring person in the world it would
Be a dull boring lifeless life and we should live it how we want to live it. We are in a big
Community and I think we should show are true colures and not to hide who we are and
Why we are here we have got are family and friends that care for us and love us and we
Should be safe in their loving hands. We share the same cultures and we should be proud
Of it. I think it doesn’t matter if you fit in I think you should be who you are and to see what
Happens. I think you should not change who you are to fit in because you won’t fill in place.
I think if you fill alone you should talk about it to some on and see if it makes you fill much
Better inside. Also I think you should be who you are and see how it goes because if you
Don’t try you won’t know.
I think that it is your own opinion if you want to change your personality or anything you like for anything you dislike.However it is not worth changing something you really enjoy to something you dislike just because you want to fit in. Also you are a individual so it doesn't matter if you don't fit because all that matter is that you are happy and not sad.
ReplyDeleteI strongly belive that, fitting in is not great.Just be your own person,people have to accept you for who you are and not what your friends wants you to be.It's your choice.REMEMBER TO MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE AND REMEMBER NO ONE IS PERFECT (EVEN YOU).
ReplyDeleteBy Francis Salazar
7 Durrant
I think we should all be ourselves, be who we are. In my opinion I think to fit in we should be who we are and try to find people like ourselves with similar interests .
ReplyDeleteIf sticking to the status quo means being the same as everyone else and not being who you really are and not expressing who you are and what you can do and beinging proud of it i would rather just mess with the flow.
If you stick to the status quo your not showing people your persnality and not being honest with them or yourself.It's worth it to show people who you really are and find people simlar to yourself than just being part of something your really not.
by Louise Twi-Yeboah
Changing yourself for others, is disrespecting yourself. You do not need to change, others need to understand you and realise that they can not change anyone. that's the importance of having your own choice when coming to friends. Mainly because, if they do not accept you for who you are, they're not your real friends.
ReplyDeleteWhy should you change yourself for others? does that make sense. we were all made the way we are, that's the way we should stay, never to change into something you don't want to be. we should think about the way we treat our friends sometimes, change you hair to this, wear this...NO! that's not the way we should act. Those who choose to change for others for a bad reason, You're being unfaithful to yourself as well to Your family and to god.
ReplyDeletesome people do change there selves just to fit in but they shouldnt. there is someone that has something in common with you and they will accept who you really are. if someone dosent accept you dont bother changing your self just be who you are. if you havent met the right person yet dont think that your life is over because its not.
ReplyDeleteI think that you shouldn't pretend to be someone else so people can like you, so you fit. You should just be yourself no matter what anyone else thinks. you shouldn't change who you are because your hiding yourself people would want to see the real you and how you really are , if you change they might not like you. Just believe in yourself
ReplyDeleteI know that we should acccept who we are. We should't change who we are to fit in. Whats the point? we won't feel life ourselves and it wouldn't be right. You may not be the same but if every one was the same that will just make the world boring, different is good it makes the world exciting and every one is special and unique in thier own way. If you had to change to fit in you will feel like in a box you wouldn't get to express youself. Be yourself and who knows what good will happened
ReplyDeleteFantastic! I love the point you make about hiding who you really are! Well done Simona, great ideas
Ms L
I think that you shouldn't change who you are. There is no point! Excample, if i like music and i don't do alot of spots but your friends do, it doesn't mean u should give up music just to fit in with your friends. Just be yourself.
ReplyDeleteGoodness Samson Basically Goodness, you're saying we'd all be like sheep?! There'd be no variety and nothing of interest! Excellent opinion.
ReplyDeleteKeep thinking big,
Ms K
Heather Acay
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely keyword Heather - this idea, that we're all ***unique*** and our differences are because of God so we should celebrate them!
Think big,
Ms K
Heather Acay
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely keyword Heather - this idea, that we're all ***unique*** and our differences are because of God so we should celebrate them!
Think big,
Ms K
I think that you should be intitled to your own opinion and you should not be what others want you to be but be who you are. If having a good education and great results mean not having any friends then you should stay like that; and the reason behind me saying that is because although you want have any friends in school you'll still have a great education, plus you would still have support at home; you never know the girl/boy that had no friends could end up being very successful in life and have more frinds than you. Meanwhile you might be thethat has loads person that has loads of friends but still has a great education.But the great thing that to does matter most is that you do what you want to do and not care of what others think because everyone has a different propective view point. My advice is do what you want and not what others want to see.
ReplyDeleteI think we shouldn't change ourselves only if we like something new. Besides from that we shouldn't change ourselves because God made us like this and we are who we are. God knows if we are going to like something new.
ReplyDeletePersonally, i believe at times you have to change who you are to fit in and with other people because they may not accept or agree with you so you have no chose but to compromise.
ReplyDeleteIn Modern Society people are forced to change their believes or opinions to suit other people, honestly i think it is the best way to get ahead in life.