So, Moses was apparently 120 years old when he was given the 10 commandments about 3,500 years ago, when the Israelites were wondering around in the wilderness! Seriously, do they mean anything to us today?
Think, do you think these commandments are still important or are they out of date? Why?
What would be your new top 5 commandments of the 21st century?
Remember: Think big!
Give reasons for your opinions!
Happy blogging,
Ms K
Yes I think they mean alot today because God put the words on the comanments not just for that century. I think that it was there because even today there are alot of things related to the 10 commandments.
ReplyDeleteWell I think all the ten commandments are up to date I mean all then still apply to us right now in life. Love your neighbour, we all need to do that if we want to succeed in life. Thy shall not steal, well there nothing wrong about that is there no so I think they are all still important. I would not change them if I got the chance so I don't have 5 top commandments for the 21st century because the 10 commandments are my commanments
ReplyDeleteMy opinion to this is that we dont need new ones because God gave these rules to humans personaly and if we make new ones up we will make ones that dont mean anything to what God wanted to say to us and do,like love your nieghbour and its still very important to us but if we change them some might take it the wrong way to people of the one who know the old ones but it still makes a huge difference to change the commandments.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand having new commmandments is fairly good because we could change it to suit our year 2010 and not 2000 years ago soo my conmandments would be 1 love everyone even the neglected 2 think about others first then yourself 3 your hands are for good use not bad 4 instead of thinking negative about someone think of the exeuse as if you were in their shoes 5 do not commit murder.
Bernadette Macanlalay
ReplyDeleteBernadette, I like the point you're making here ... how might the commandments relate to today? Develop your opinion.
Think big,
Ms K
I think that the ten commandments are important because God created this rules for us to live with. All of the commandments relate today because these are things that people do all the time. God wanted us to be good people and do good things and show us right from wrong e.g honor your father and mother-good you shall not murder- bad. I think the commandments are very important because people are still doing this today and have to learn from their mistakes
ReplyDeleteI think that today the 10 Commadments are still important due to the fact that even though they were thousands of years ago, they are still important to christians because they were the words of God which is very important.Now a days you don't here people saying that a bush in the voice of God spoke to them people would just think that they're coo coo. Those coomadments were given and there can only be one set of commandments they're not supposed to be replaced those were permenant commadments.The Frist five commandment because for me i think they are the most important commandments because they have special meanings; i'm not saying that the others aren't important but people have they're different opinions.
ReplyDeletei think that we do have to follow the ten commandments and believe in then because i think that the ten commandments is what the Christianity is all about because Jesus wrote them and he is the one we should follow so i think the ten commandments are very important for us right and forever
ReplyDeleteYes I do think the 10 commandments do mean something because they tell us some
ReplyDeleteImportant things that we need to do in life and so that we are in god good book then
In gods bad one. I think the commandment are not out if date because me and my
Family does go by them and we do follow them. My top 5 commandment is
I think if we stick to these commandments every think will go well!
bernadeette i do agree with you when you say it does'nt take the commanments just for this centry
ReplyDeleteWell the 10 commandments are fine we don’t need any more or less as for every single commandment in the Bible is important to our daily lives for instance “You shall not murder” it is still useful now because if you murder now you can go to jail so yes it is useful in the 21st century and more century’s to come.
ReplyDeleteMy opinion is that the ten commandments are important because it helped shape the basic moral laws of many nations. The Ten Commandments told people not to steal, murder, or tell lies about others. They told people to avoid jealousy and to honor their parents. Also the Ten commandments is basics of our life. The Ten Commandments tell us what is wrong and why not to do them.
ReplyDeleteI didn't chose a "top" commandment because these commandments are for you to learn and abide by them and they are not commandments that you choose, like and do them all the time, it's all about the journey you take to understand them.
Benedicte KwalanganaYou're right Benedicte isn't it funny, we accept God spoke to Moses from a burning bush ... but don't believe it's happen today!
ReplyDeleteDo you think God still talks to people like He did Moses?
Think big,
Ms K
Goodness Samson Well done Goodness, you're saying the commandments have a long-lasting impact, they will never become outdated. Interesting!
ReplyDeleteMs K
I strongly believe that the 10 commandments are still important,the reason being is that it is easy to clarify the fact that it has made a good influence to us and has especially made an impact so before anyone does anything against the following 10 commandments they have something to think about. On the other hand, unfortunately, people have gone against the most important of the 10 commandments.
ReplyDeleteIn that case, I don't think that there wouldn't be any new commandments for the 21st century because the 10 commandments is just right and they have the authority to make a difference to our lifestyle!
I think your comment is very true with the help of your knowledge and some research, it was especially a well written piece of writing.
ReplyDeleteWELL DONE!!!
I think the Ten commandments Is a Huge thing in the christianity Belief because God clearly made it a big deal by sending a person, a Messiah just to spread the word.
ReplyDeleteThese rules are not any rules, They're Like laws and they show us the way of life. It shows us that if we follow those rules life will be better and You being a good christian is improving. So thesee Rules are not any rules they're the rules of your life, and the way you should live it so the ten commandments are Very important.
Its clearly Important because it has a impact of our future and is the prfect example of a great life.
@Heather Acay wow heather that was really interestng, and it really shows why it has a huge impact on out lives. Your point is really Unfolding and becoming into something interesting and powerful.
ReplyDeleteAwesome Point
The Ten Commandments are very important because it shows us the value of life. They're not only important but special. Have you ever had rules that show the valueof your life? even the law that we have in england today don't show the Value.
ReplyDeleteGod wants us to have the Ten Commandments in our lives because as christians its out duty to live the way a christian should live, which is help One an other, Love one another and care for one another, and to be honest theres Plenty more.
Without these Particular rules sent from god, would we be the great christians that we are now? I doubt it. So theese rules a absolutely amazing ! because they have a such a great Value of our christian lives.
@Miriam Sarfo-bonsu wow miriam wondeful, i can now see what you mean by no just any rules, but rules which associate with our lives and our future. I really liked the bit when you said its Clearly a big deal because god, sent down a messiah to spread the word of God. so wonderful comment You did really well !
ReplyDelete@sarah uwadiale
ReplyDeleteI agree because nearly every family in the whole world follows the 10 commandments no matter what
Yes i think that the commandments a very important to Christian and Catholic life because this is the things that God wants us to follow. Also the commandments are not just any rules that you have to follow like any other rules. Its 10 things that your father in heaven want you to follow the person that created you. Therefore this rules are very important because they are like rules to help you become a better Christian
ReplyDeleteI think that the Ten Commandments still apply to us today because it's one of the things that we remember to do so we can go to the righteous path. I strongly believe that even though it has been so long ago, the Christian religion still goes on, so why not still follow the Ten Commandments too?
ReplyDeleteFinally, I think that it is one of the only way to give back the sacrifice that God's son (Jesus) did for us.
@Benedicte Kwalangana I think you are right there, Benedicte. I also believe that there can only be one set of Commandments, I very much agree with you. Nice!.
ReplyDeleteI think the ten commandment means alot to me as Christians believe that you should follow the ten commandments and not disobey any. As a Christian it means alot to me as we should always obey these rules if we want to get in to Gods kingdom. We should always be kind to one another and love one another as God has loved us. The ten commandments mean alot to me because with out it I would'nt be able to know what good things to obey.By Victoria
ReplyDeleteI think the ten commandment means alot to me as Christians believe that you should follow the ten commandments and not disobey any. As a Christian it means alot to me as we should always obey these rules if we want to get in to Gods kingdom. We should always be kind to one another and love one another as God has loved us. The ten commandments mean alot to me because with out it I would'nt be able to know what good things to obey.By Victoria
ReplyDeleteWhen people live in harmony with these basic working principals, their lives are blessed tremendously.
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine what would result if all the people on our planet would keep even one of these ten? If no one lied, stole, killed, dishonored their parents, or committed adultery the world we live in would be so much happier, more prosperous, more peaceful, and so much easier to live in. This would remove a great volume of worry and tragedy in our lives. When you read your newspaper it’s easy to see how disobeying Gods commandments destroys the lives of so many people.
@sarah uwadiale your right sarah the ten commandments do mean something important.your five commandments are important like all ten.
ReplyDeletei agrree with you juliana
ReplyDeleteI think the ten commandments are essencial even today because God gave them to us for a reason. The fact that the words were written a long time ago dosn't change the words meaning and even in the 21st century we still belive in the ten commandments.
ReplyDeleteThe Ten commandments are more than just rules they are more important, you can have all sorts of rules but the ten commandments are a symbol of rules that God wanted us to live by, respect and remember in all we do.
In my opinion the ten commandments are not a bit old fashioned because rules like :Love the lord your God with all your heart,soul and mind.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
Show your parents respect.
Are things we should be doing every day and all the time.
That was a true but nice thought Miriam!
ReplyDeleteWELL DONE!
I think that the 10 commandments mean a lot today because in the our region of Catholicism its the 10 commandment we listen to.the word of god. if we celebrate this religion obviously we have to obey these 10 commandment.in whatever religion you believe in you always have at least 1 thing to obey to.
ReplyDeletethat's why today i still admire the 10 commandments...
well basically hi Miss Kerridge!
ReplyDeleteokay i think yes because God does love us all in the exact same way as every single person in the world, he promised good to us and punishments that will happen on judgment day>but because he God cares which i think wouldn't do anything harm, but he as a our lord will forgive us.
also the ten commandments mean very important to me because its like my daily routine and its like i always have to make sure that im doing the right thing and also i know what im doing good or bad.
but some people think that its not really important because they can pray to god which is a very good thing to do, but on the another hand i think its more important because too because it shows God that we care about our religion and our faith also it makes him happy.
the ten commandments are sometimes fantastic to be at home to teach the younger ones how to be like Christians.
The ten commandments makes the bible.
Dear god help me to understand more about the ten commandments more also to know that you care for all of us.
bye Miss
I think that God still does speak to people but through their prayers.Now a days you don't get people that find a Crowd if people and tell them that God told them the ten commandments beacuse God knew that he will only set out ten very important commandments and he knew that those words that he spoke to Moses was very special, plus i think that it's better that it was in the olden days because if it was now people wouldn't believe that much.Tere's the answer to your question Ms Kerridge.
ReplyDeleteI personally think that most of the ten commandments are relevant for the 21st century but I still believe that they are all important. Depending on your beliefs , e.g. if you are Christian or not , the commandments "thou shall not worship any other God," and "thou shall keep the sabbath day holy" aren't relevant to non believers. However, I believe that commandments 5-10 (thou must honour thy mother and father, thou shall not kill, thou shall not commit adultery, thou shall not steal, thou shall not lie, thou shall not covet) are relevant to everyone.
ReplyDeleteI think the ten commandment do relate to our live today as they are constantly referred to day from day. People may not realise it but most of the Laws placed by the government have relation to the ten commandment as well as the manners of please and thank you our parents teach us from a very young age. If you look at life from a perspective we sort of live by some of these morals and I can't really say whether there should be new commandments as the original ten can answer all for someone who has complete dedication to Christianity.
ReplyDeleteI feel that the 10 commandments are still relevant today and I agree with what Margaret said about how people don't realise that the Laws placed by government have relation to them. The commandments are split into two sections, religion and moral decisions and I feel that the religion section doesn't generally apply to everyone now but the rest do because you know yourself that it's the right thing to do not committing adultery or murdering someone. The commandments are guidelines for us in making the right decision. Whether we make the right decision is all up to us.
ReplyDeleteI think that the 10 commndments are important today, they have an honour about them (as they are not rules but gifts from God for us to have a happier life), and as Christians in modern society we are supposed to relate them to our daily lives.
ReplyDeleteIf they are out of date it is only becasue they don't cover some of the issues that surround some people, whether homosexualtiy or abortion.
I dont believe I should be 'like God' and make my own commandments because then in some form it may be considered blasphemy; however I do thinks it's important that the commandments express how it should be in (in the form of advice) the daily lives for those who are hidden, confused and abandoned. How they would make life better for everyone and not just those society would consider their lives as 'normal' and defer form those who are under special circumstances is what should be explained.
God made everyone unique and that should be repected and honoured within itself; that we have been gifted to be who we truly are and not what someone (whether in authority amoung humans or otherwise) believes that we should be a true perfection of each other and not being able to use the potential to be different and great. We all posess light and dark in our lifes but how we use each side depicts who we are: by our choices.
I believe that not all of the 10 commandments are suited for today. I think this because the the first four commandments (you shall not worship any other God, make idols, blaspheme or break the sabbath)are guides to how we treat God as christians.This is because Christians believe in absolute morality and therefore follow rules with no exceptions. However, the other six commandments (thou shall not dishonour your parents, murder commit adultery, steal, commit lies or covet) are guides to how we should treat the socety in the world. These commandments are more suited to relatively moral religions, like buddhism, who believe that although rules are made to be followed, there are exceptions out of obeying the rules in certain circumstances. I therefore think that the 10 commandments aren't suited for christians today as they are absolute moralists and there aren't any exceptons of breaking the commandments. I also believe that the 10 commandments are suited for other religions who are relativey moral as certain scenarios are experienced in everyday life where if you don't obey one rule, you will break another.
ReplyDeletewell bernadette i need a little more info about the ten commandments bt what you said is also true
i think the ten commandments are important because God created the 10 commandments for Christians so that we will know our right fromn wrong and make the right decisions in life. it is also a guide for christians to follow the foosteps of jesus and his teachings.
ReplyDeletei dont think we should have any new ones as christians because it is a valuable part of our religion and lives.
I think that not all the 10 commandments are relevant to todays society because they don't take into account the problems that we are facing today as they are nothing like how they were many years ago. So they may be seen as out of date because they don't cover some of the issues which are seen as normal or faced today such as homosexualality, divorces and etc. It's important that we follow the commandments as a guide to our daily lives as they are suitable to follow in certain circumstances and we don't take advantage of anything else.
ReplyDeleteI don't think it's possible to make my own set of new commandments because it might not be easy for everyoneto follow maybe just relevant to me so i think depending on how strong people are in their faith they should set their own targets to help strengthen this as we all have good and bad in our life it's up to us how much we value it enough to increase our faith
Hiya! I think that the ten commandments is very important in our daily lives. For example the celebrity world is growing day by day. Sooner or Later people are going to start copying, following and maybe even worshipping these famous people. Remember the commandment 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'
ReplyDeleteHowever If I was given the choice to create my own commandments it would be:
Many people feel that the 10 commandments do not mean anything in the 21st century. The last six commandments thou shalt not murder, steal, lie, commit adultery, covet, and dishonour your parents are the ones which people are most likely to disobey because they are targetted for society. Nevertheless it does not mean you can disobey the other four commandments; do not worship any other God, do not make any idols, keep the sabbath day holy, and do not take the lord your god in vain which are aimed at us, as christians should behave towards God.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand most people say the 10 commandments are valid in the 21st century. For example as Christians, being absolute moralists we believe that what is right and wrong applies to all circumstances. Meaning to murder, steal, lie, commit adultery, covet and dishonour you parents are wrong as well do not worship any other God, do not make any idols, keep the sabbath day holy, and do not take the lord your god in vain.
I feel that we do not need new top 5 commandments for the 21st century becuase the commandments of God are our daily guidelines and is the ultimate rule.
In conclusion i think that the 10 commandments are not
outdated/irrelevant becuase
the 10 commandments were given to Moses by God in which we must follow, always, because in the end we will all be judged by God. The ten commandments were Gods most valuable rules set among us for the past,present and future, so we must follow them to have a more stronger and faithful relationship with God and society.
I agree with Victoria beacause we should never disobey the 10 commandments no matter how hard it is
ReplyDelete@Juliana Forson
ReplyDeleteJuliana i do agree with you about the commandments being up to date because if they weren't they be use less in our daily lifes
I do think that the 10 commandments still mean to us today because they were given by Jesus and he was chosen by God so we must follow his commandments so that we can become better Catholics. The 10 commandments mean alot to us today but some people just dont follow them e.g. if you watch the news nearly everyday someone gets killed but one of Jesus' commandments is that you shall not kill so that tells us that they don't bother to think about what they are doing and think especially about what Jesus has said but there are so many other Christians who follow all 10 commandments in their everday life routine. I don't really think that we should have our new top 5 commandments because the 10 comandmnets Jesus gave us means alot and he is much more important to us so we must believe in him and listen to what he says.
ReplyDeleteI think that the ten commandments are still important to us today as even though now in the 21st century more people are not following the ten commandments,i think that God still wants us to follow the ten commandments.if you imagine a world with absolutely no commandments ,there would be no peace.I think thatif you go against the ten commandments because you havent got a choice and you dont want to go against the commandments then it might be ok e.g you cant go to church because you are ill ,or you cant go to church because you just cant or you steal because you are forced into stealing.i think that it only ok if you are really truly SORRY for going against the ten commandments.I think that we should all follow the commandments because god gave them to us and they are IMPORTANT to us because God is still important to us,i would not have 5 new commandwments because i think that only God has the right to make commandments ,i think that we dont have the right to change the commandments that God gave us.I think that we should follow the commandments to become a better catholic.
Guys, the 10 commandments are great! I mean, seriously, it's great if we don't go around murdering people and engaging in formidable, unadvisable activities.
ReplyDeleteSure we live in modern day, but lets not get too big for our boots: the day we stop blasting missiles over holy land let's change the commandment 'though shall not murder' to 'though shall not download music for free'.
I think that the 10 commandments are most certainly still important in the 21st century. It think this because the basic moral, back many centuries ago when the 10 commandments were made still stands as the back bone of todays society. Although the 21st century isnt as strict and have the dogmatic views the Christian faith once had... i think that the last 6 commandments in particular are things that are still very relevant to the society we currently live in; thou shalt not murder, steal, lie, commit adultery, covet, and dishonour your parents. These commandments are for all people, regardless of religion, it is just basic morals and for e.g thou shalt not murder is a law, something everyone in our world today are expected not to do because it is a test of your understandning from right or wrong. This is an example of how the 10 commandments was made for its disciples from the past, present and future.
ReplyDeleteI cant decide on 5 new commandments because i feel that only God... who is the father of all, can make such a holy decision and make the right one. I feel that it would almost be blasphmous to try and copy his authority as i do not have the purity and wisdom that he has to make commandments for all his disciples.