Sunday, 12 September 2010

Will going to see the Pope make you a good Catholic?

For Catholics the Pope is the spiritual head of the Catholic Church.  Pope Benedict is the 265th spiritual descendent of the first Pope, Peter.  By going to see him, Catholics making that journey are going on a pilgrimage ... a journey to bring them closer to God.  You are going to a place to meet with God.  Do you think every Catholic should try to go on a pilgrimage to a holy place?  It could be to see the Pope, or it could be to another place where something religious has happened.  Is going on a pilgrimage going to make you a good Catholic?  Why?  Why not?  Is there something else Catholics should do instead?

Think big!
Share your opinions,

Ms K


  1. born Joseph Alois Ratzinger on 16 April 1927) is the 265th pope. he is the first pope to hav a i pod .he can drive a helicopter but cant drive a car. Melissa c

  2. yes but you may not have time dose that make you a bad catholic? No it won't so my final anwser to that questin is it may or it may not some people might only go top see the Pope because they have money,want to show of there cothles or even just to be on t.v thats a bad catholic if your a good catholic you go there for the pope to pray for you or somthing important or even watch it on the t.v while reflecting.

  3. I think all catholics shoud at least try to go on a pilgramage because it could be a new experience to a catholic by going on this journey and seeing all the religious places around us.

  4. I think if you go to a pilgrimage it will open your eyes to things you’ve never seen before
    And give you more knowledge to many different things. I think it will make a good catholic
    Because you get to do lots of holy things. I think if you don’t want to go to a pilgrimage you
    Can pray at home and god will till answer your prays.

  5. Dayana Collazos-Ibarra14 September 2010 at 19:36

    I think that is very important to go and see the pope because he his the one who is representing Jesus in this world at the moment.

  6. I think that it is a brilliant thing to go and see the Pope because to Christian he is a very important man. Also The Pope is like Jesus.

    from Jamie Baltazar

  7. Melissa Well done Melissa, can you find out anything else?!

    Ms K

  8. i think that going to see the pope is not going to make you a good catholic in some ways because you can even be a catholic that sees the pope regularly and still go out of your own way to kill people and commit adultery. also, not many people have the time to visit the pope due to certain circumstances, so because of this they are not a good catholic? if so, then doesn't that means most of us are not good catholics?

    the pope cant be in all places as once for he is just human. where as, the messiah can for he is in all of us and there are many other things that we can do to prove to god that we are being good catholics rather than just going to see the pope.

  9. Belinda JesuJeyarajah18 September 2010 at 10:22

    I think going to see the pope will make you a good catholic than you already are because you get closer to God through him. However there would be no point of going if you were just going for the sake of it.

  10. Belinda JesuJeyarajah18 September 2010 at 10:47

    I think you are right because you could learn something new when you go.

  11. I think it would be better to go but if you cant afford it then you cant do anything about it. Mabe it does make you a better cathlic if you go but i dont think that you would be a bad catholic if you dont go.

  12. He owns a popemobile and lives in Rome.His real name is Joeseph Ratzinger and owns the keys to heaven.He is the 16th pope to be named Benedict and is the 265th pope. He is the only pope that has been invited to England by the queen and he also owns an ipod

  13. No I don't think that going to see the Pope make you a better person because you could be a murderer and go to see him. Seeing him might improve your faith and help you become a better person and change the worst for the better.


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Serviam, RE Dept