Sunday, 12 September 2010

Why is the Pope so important to Catholics?

Dear All,

Think.  Reflect.  Why is the Pope important to Catholics?  What is it about what he does?  Who he represents that is so important?  Express your opinions here. 

Ms K


  1. I think the pope is important to catholics because he is the leader of all catholics and a big inspiration to all catholic priests. He is the head of christ's church on Earth. He is not Christ, but the representative of him, that is why every christian looks up to him. The pope guides us, like we are his sheep, and he is our shephard.Conclusion: The pope is important to us catholics because he is respected by everyone in the catholic religion because, he blesses them and makes them feel good and also helps them in their time of need.

  2. Kymera Martin-James13 September 2010 at 17:09

    The reason why the pope is so important because he is a person as a Saint. He is important to catholics because he is a good leader and he loves God and he is a person who express their feeling about God. The things he does are important because he helps people and he is a good leader to follow. He represent God, it so important to represent God when you are a catholic pope because you love God and you talk about him and you worship him.

  3. The Pope is very importabt as he is the head of all churches and represents Jesus in a good way that all Catholics should. and he speaks the truth

  4. the pope is so important to catholics because he has been chosen by god to be the leader/head of the catholic church.Without a leader, the faith can go in any wild direction and base faith on anything some person in the world decides as long as they can get a few to follow them.

  5. I think the pope is important to catholics because he is the leader of the catholic church and we all respect him. He inspires all the priests and represents himself as a good follower.

    from ariane

  6. The pope is important to the Catholics community because He is head of it . He helps all Catholics and keeps them in the right direction .

  7. I think that the pope is an important person because he is like the person you have to go through before you go to jesus and god that is how important i think he is to catholics. and I think that what he does is very important too because he is like the high priest and the one that is just below jesus christ and god. And he is like one of jesus' desiples.

  8. I think the pope is important because he is the leader of all the catholic church's, so this means he looks after us and is a very special person of Gods.

  9. the pope is important to catholics because god has chosen him to pray for us so that god can forgive our sins so that we may be able to go to heaven.

  10. the Pope is important to catholics because God chose him to pray for us for God to forgis us and so that we can go to heaven.

  11. I think that the pope is important to catholics because he shows us the way to god and shows us how to act good not bad i belive that the pope has the key to god and if we ace as jesus christ we will be as good with god as he was

  12. Dayana Collazos-Ibarra14 September 2010 at 19:40

    Because he is respected by everyone in the catholic religion because he blessess them and makes them feel good and helps them. He also helps other people too but most importantly he is representing God to us.

  13. Sharon-Anita Naisiko14 September 2010 at 21:27

    I think the pope is important to catholics because God was the one who chosen him to leader the catholic churches. Also he looks after the catholic churches and he is representing God to the worshippers.

  14. araniya soosapillai15 September 2010 at 13:40

    I think the pope is very important to the catholics this is because he is like a role model and not only that he is also the pope because he prays for everyone and he has sacrificed his life to follow jesus's steps/path

  15. Benedicte kwalangana15 September 2010 at 15:58

    I think the Pope is important to Catholics because he is someone that they look up to him as a great person who follows the way of Jesus Christ.

  16. I think the pope is important to catholics becuase he guides us through paths,he helps us to understand what God expects from us. He has the keys to Gods kingdom,and will show us how to get there. He is a holy person,preaching about Jesus Christ our lord and God the almighty father. The pope is important to us catholics as he blesses everyone,as he excepts us to be loving,respectal,kind,genorous shareful,caring and most of all loving. As the pope tells us that we are not like bread as bread is cut to half and go seperate places,but we are friends,we care for each other and love and respect each other,as we should love one another as god loves you. He also tells us to always frogive no matter what. Victoria Akinyombo

  17. I think the Pope is important to Catholics because to us the Pope is a ceremonial leader. The Pope sits on a very important chair the "Chair of Peter”, the first ever Pope. He is there to guide us in the way that God wants us to, to follow the right path, know what’s right or wrong to make right choices but sometime we can still make mistakes. He is very holy and he preaches to us about God and Jesus Christ. It is told that he holds the key to Gods kingdom. The Pope is there so we can follow him to the right direction.

  18. I think that the Pope is important to Catholics because he leads you to the right paths whenever you go to the wrong path he could show you how to get back to the right path.The Pope also helps us to be closer to God. Jamie Baltazar

  19. Anonymous
    Well done Jamie - Interesting ideas. How does the Pope help us be closer?

  20. @Goodness said... This is very good because you have pointed out great reasons

  21. @Benedicte kwalanganahow can you explain to the public how he is a person we look up to him.

  22. @Benedicte kwalanganahow can you explain to the public how he is a person we look up to him.

  23. I think the pope is important to us because like they say "the pope has the keys to heven" he opens up the world to us in a different way and shows us another path like to live life to the full but aswell as that belive in God and Jesus.He shows the correct path to us but lets us make mistakes because without mistakes we cant learn and know what will happen if we do it but next time to know why not to make a wrong choice again .But the most important thing is that the pope explains in a way we understand the Bible to tell us what path God has chosen for us and he explains how he wants us to live by making the better choices. by Simona 7 parker

  24. what do you mean when you say it can go in any wild direction.and you said they can base their faith on anything.i like it when you said there one person in the world that decided to follow him

  25. I think the pope is very important to the catholic church because he reminds us to be the true christans we really are and he reminds us to be be loyal and faithful to our faith.
    The pope helps us remember to be loving, caring,sharing and more.
    He's someone we can all look up to!
    Louise Twi-Yebaoh

  26. Dayana Collazos-Ibarra16 September 2010 at 19:55

    @jasmyn jasmyn what do you mean by he takes care of us

  27. The pope is a great man he has dovoted his life to the Lord Jesus Christ and stilkl lives on today!

  28. Benedicte I think your right and we should remember that when we speak and think of him. That was a nice thought!

    Louise Twi-Yeboah

  29. Belinda JesuJeyarajah18 September 2010 at 10:28

    The pope is so important because he is Jesus's assistant - but he is on earth! He holds the keys to the kingdom of God. We can get closer to God through him. He is like a role model to us and we look up to him this is why the pope is so important.

  30. Belinda JesuJeyarajah18 September 2010 at 10:45

    Hi araniya! I totally agree when you say that the pope is a role model.

  31. The Pope is so important to Catholics because he is like Jesus and we are like his followers so we must follow his footteps if we want to be closer to Jesus Christ.

  32. The Pope is so important to Catholics because he is like Jesus our saviour and we are like his followers so we must follow his footsteps if we want to get closer to Jesus Christ.

  33. The pope is in important beacause he is the one chosen to repesent God. He owns the keys to heaven which means he is a very imporatant catholic

  34. I think your right he does speak the truth and he repesents the holy one beacause

  35. I think that the Pope is important to Catholics because he shows us the right way and helps us become closer to God by becoming better people. He also influences us to pray and devote our lives to God aswell.

  36. I think the Pope is important to Catholics because he shows us the right way and helps us to become better people for ourselves and for others. He helps us become closer to God by encouraging us to pray and devoting our lives to God. -Stephanie Stevens.

  37. I think the Pope is important because he is the head of the catholic church and he guides us to the right paths and do the rights things, he is kind and loving and tells about God. He is a role model to young people

  38. I think the Pope is very important to Catholics because he shows us the right way and helps us to become better people for ourselves and others. He also encourages us to pray and devote our lives to God which makes us understand God more and become closer to Him.

  39. Kelly Clarkson is going to sing for the Pope.

  40. I think that the Pope is important to catholics because he represents God ,he is the leader of the catholic church and he helps us to become a better catholic and i think that he is really important as blesses us.

  41. I think that the Pope is important to catholics as he blesses us ,he also helps us to become better catholics he represents God.
    Caroline Emmanuel

  42. Yh It Will Make A Good Catholic But Some People Cant Afford To Go And See The Pope And If you Cant Go It Doesnt Mean Your A Bad Catholic Your Just The Same As Very Bodie Else A Good Catholic


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