Hello all,
Just a quick few points. I'm happy for you to comment on any post, but you must remember the following
1. Proper English [no textspeak. Use the English language - words you find in the dictionary, used in the appropriate way!]
2. You must make it clear who you are, so when it comes to posting your comment, when selecting profile, pick "Name/ URL" but leave URL blank
3. When replying to others always be respectful
That's about it for now.
Think big,
Happy blogging
Ms K
PS If you have any RE-related issues you want to discuss, post as a comment to this blog and we'll see if we can fit it in! See, co-constructing the virtual discussion! Think big!
Always looking to take our students further ... we are committed to challenging your thinking both in and out of the classroom by exploring key religious and philosophical ideas which will empower you to become the leaders of the 21st century. Serviam, RE Dept
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Just so you know! Become a follower of the RE Blogspot.
Dear All,
If you're loving the RE blogspot - then become a follower [look on the left-hand side, under the photo of the RE Dept]. Keep up-to-date with the new posts and comments, suggest post topics simply by setting up a profile and uploading an image. Do it of your own free will, you know I'll probably set it for hw otherwise. You know what to do!
Think big,
Happy blogging.
Have a safe and peaceful Easter.
Serviam, RE Dept
If you're loving the RE blogspot - then become a follower [look on the left-hand side, under the photo of the RE Dept]. Keep up-to-date with the new posts and comments, suggest post topics simply by setting up a profile and uploading an image. Do it of your own free will, you know I'll probably set it for hw otherwise. You know what to do!
Think big,
Happy blogging.
Have a safe and peaceful Easter.
Serviam, RE Dept
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Holy Week - the ultimate love story?
So the suffering and death of Jesus doesn't sound like the ideal love story, but when you start to unpeel it, wow ... you really see the love. We all know that Jesus died on the cross for us, but how often do we take time to read those scriptures and really explore the human Jesus, who went through this suffering? There was a reason He did it, not just because his Father told Him to.
"For God so loved the world." What a statement - God loved us so much, He sent Jesus to sacrifice Himself for us and God watched as His only beloved Son was tortured. The love a Father has for His Son vs the love God has for all His children.
THINK: Is there any bigger challenge? What would you do to save many people? Is it worth the sacrifice of one? Or is every life of equal value?
Jesus' Passion for you all
So really Jesus' sacrifice became a question of free will. Jesus was unique fully divine and fully human, but He chose to die as a criminal [crucifixion was a criminal's death]. We too as humans have free will, we can choose to do right or wrong, but when we misuse our free will it can have disastruous consequences.
THINK: Do you think we deserve free will? Why did God give it to us? Is our free will limited? Should some people have it and others not?
THINK: Where else do you think Holy Week teaches us about love?
There is lots here to think about! Respond to the THINK questions, ask your own questions, reply to other people's comments. Use proper English. But most of all ...
Think big
Happy blogging!
Ms K
"For God so loved the world." What a statement - God loved us so much, He sent Jesus to sacrifice Himself for us and God watched as His only beloved Son was tortured. The love a Father has for His Son vs the love God has for all His children.
THINK: Is there any bigger challenge? What would you do to save many people? Is it worth the sacrifice of one? Or is every life of equal value?
Jesus' Passion for you all
Jesus thought you were worth the sacrifice.
So really Jesus' sacrifice became a question of free will. Jesus was unique fully divine and fully human, but He chose to die as a criminal [crucifixion was a criminal's death]. We too as humans have free will, we can choose to do right or wrong, but when we misuse our free will it can have disastruous consequences.
THINK: Do you think we deserve free will? Why did God give it to us? Is our free will limited? Should some people have it and others not?
THINK: Where else do you think Holy Week teaches us about love?
There is lots here to think about! Respond to the THINK questions, ask your own questions, reply to other people's comments. Use proper English. But most of all ...
Think big
Happy blogging!
Ms K
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Building a house takes 6 months, God created the universe in 6 days!
Ok, so Genesis states that God created the world in 6 days. We have a clear plan of God's purposeful creative activity - which suggests intelligent design because of it's order. Genesis gives humans a purpose [for our existence] to have a relationship with God and shows us that creation was good. Different Christians interpret Genesis slightly differently - some take it quite literally, exactly as it says, is exactly what they believe happened and others suggest Genesis contains more spiritual truths - it explains to us about God and humans, rather than being an accurate account of how the world came to be.
If God created everything out of nothing, then why ...why is there evil in the world?
Do you think Genesis literally happened as we read it? Why?
Is Genesis meant to teach us something about humans and God? What?
Evolution - a scientific explanation for the nature of the universe with Dr Vincent Grey

The Big Bang - a scientific explanation for the origin of the universe
The Big Bang happened 13.7 billion years ago - the explosion of Space and Time. There was no beginning before the Big Bang, it is the beginning of everything - it lasted 10‾43 seconds, which is miniscule! So everything was really hot, but is cooling and expanding and then evolution billions of years later kicked in ...
So, do you think Science or Genesis is right? Why? Is there an alternative idea? What? Why? Give evidence to support your responses.
Think big
Happy blogging
Ms K
Friday, 26 March 2010
Lying - should it really be one of the 10 commandments for the 21st century?
Sound familiar?
"Sorry Miss, printer ate my homework"
"Sorry, I can't come out tonight, Mum says I've got to stay in" [Lie, it's just you're already going out with better friends!]
"No, I didn't eat the last slice of cheesecake" [Yes you did in fact you're just swallowing it now!]"Just tell them I'm not in and I can't come to the phone?!" [Erm, you're sitting right there!]
Ok so lying, very very tricky grey area - it clearly says "Thou shalt not lie" in the Bible. God said it, but somehow we manage to excuse ourselves with comments like "It's just a little one, it won't hurt anyone, no-one will ever find out etc etc" But can we really make excuses or is a little lie acceptable?
Do you think lying is lying - no matter how big or small? Does it depend? On what? Why?
Do you think lying is part of today's world and we shouldn't feel so bad about it?
What are your thoughts?
Think big
Happy blogging!
Ms Kerridge
Thursday, 25 March 2010
What does the "Our Father" mean to you?
So, we say this prayer everyday. We know the words off by heart, probably learnt it when we were really young. But how much time do we spend really reflecting on this prayer?
Our Father, Who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
What does it mean?
Why do we say it?
What's the most important part of this prayer? Why?
It's a tough one. At the moment my favourite part of this prayer is "Give us this day our daily bread", because I feel that sometimes we take God for granted and don't always appreciated all the things He has given us and continues to do for us. So everytime I say that bit I remember all that He does and continues to do for me and I'm comforted because I remember He loves me so much He thinks of me everyday.
But what about you? What's your favourite bit, why? Why is this prayer so important?
Think big
Happy blogging
Ms K
PS My mum likes "Thy will be done" because it shows her that God has planned everything and He knows how things will turn out, so we can be happy knowing that if we follow His commands, He will guide our lives. Ask your family for their ideas. Comment on other peoples ideas.
Think big
Our Father, Who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
What does it mean?
Why do we say it?
What's the most important part of this prayer? Why?
It's a tough one. At the moment my favourite part of this prayer is "Give us this day our daily bread", because I feel that sometimes we take God for granted and don't always appreciated all the things He has given us and continues to do for us. So everytime I say that bit I remember all that He does and continues to do for me and I'm comforted because I remember He loves me so much He thinks of me everyday.
But what about you? What's your favourite bit, why? Why is this prayer so important?
Think big
Happy blogging
Ms K
PS My mum likes "Thy will be done" because it shows her that God has planned everything and He knows how things will turn out, so we can be happy knowing that if we follow His commands, He will guide our lives. Ask your family for their ideas. Comment on other peoples ideas.
Think big
Cheryl Cole - the most inspirational lady from 2000-2010?
So yesterday in a survey for doctors (surgeons) Cheryl Cole was voted the most inspirational lady from 2000-2010. Huh? I hear you ask. Doctors voted for Cheryl Cole from all the celeb ladies worldwide. Don't get me wrong, I love Cheryl Cole and dare I say it, some of Girls Aloud's tunes I love [Sound of the Underground. Yay!], but is she really the most inspirational lady? Dame Kelly Holmes, Michelle Obama, Dr Anne Turner, The Queen, maybe even Kylie Minogue, Sarah Brown etc etc
Do you think Cheryl deserves this title - X-factor judge, girl group member, married/ separated from Ashley etc ... is she really the most inspirational woman of 2000-2010? or is there another famous woman who did something from 2000-2010 to inspire you? Who? Why?
Don't forget to vote for who you think was the most inspirational lady from 2000-2010 from Michelle Obama, JK Rowling, Cheryl Cole or Oprah Winfrey!
You know what to do.
Think big, happy blogging
Ms K
Do you think Cheryl deserves this title - X-factor judge, girl group member, married/ separated from Ashley etc ... is she really the most inspirational woman of 2000-2010? or is there another famous woman who did something from 2000-2010 to inspire you? Who? Why?
Don't forget to vote for who you think was the most inspirational lady from 2000-2010 from Michelle Obama, JK Rowling, Cheryl Cole or Oprah Winfrey!
You know what to do.
Think big, happy blogging
Ms K
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Sorry seems to be the hardest word...
Ok, so no-one's perfect [you might be thinking speak for yourself Ms Kerridge!], we all make mistakes but when we hurt someone close to us and have to say sorry - that's something that some of us find tough. But why? Why are those 5 little letters so difficult? Sorry. Then again we often say it without meaning it. Why bother?
Why is sorry so hard to say?
Why is sorry so important to say?
What does sorry actually mean?
Lots to think about there! Think big, happy blogging
Ms K
Go watch Blue http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvbQzRAi4wM
Ok, so no-one's perfect [you might be thinking speak for yourself Ms Kerridge!], we all make mistakes but when we hurt someone close to us and have to say sorry - that's something that some of us find tough. But why? Why are those 5 little letters so difficult? Sorry. Then again we often say it without meaning it. Why bother?
Why is sorry so hard to say?
Why is sorry so important to say?
What does sorry actually mean?
Lots to think about there! Think big, happy blogging
Ms K
Go watch Blue http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvbQzRAi4wM
Monday, 22 March 2010
Oscar Romero - Saint, Prophet, Martyr or all of the above?
Wow! This Wednesday is the anniversary of the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero who gave his life to bring peace to the people of his country, El Salvador.
“If I get killed I will rise in the Salvadorean people.” Oscar Romero
He knew that by speaking out against the corruption of the government, he would eventually be silenced like so many others, but he also understood that this was his mission, to be the voice of the voiceless.
As a disciple of Jesus, Romero was called to follow Christ's example and he became a figure of hope for those who had been hopeless. Romero recognised he could change the lives of many, but also that the poor had positively changed his life too.
Romero believed it was his duty to work to free the poor from injustice, because just as Christ had suffered, He had also triumphed and Romero believed that the poor should experience justice on earth and see the Kingdom of God in the now, not only as a future reward. This belief was big in South America and was know as Liberation Theology [Looking at the how the Christian God brings freedom]
Do you think Romero was a saint? Prophet? Or Martyr? Why?
Think big!
Happy blogging
Ms Kerridge
Maybe start your research here http://www.cafod.org.uk/secondary/romero
Watch the video as well.
“If I get killed I will rise in the Salvadorean people.” Oscar Romero
He knew that by speaking out against the corruption of the government, he would eventually be silenced like so many others, but he also understood that this was his mission, to be the voice of the voiceless.
As a disciple of Jesus, Romero was called to follow Christ's example and he became a figure of hope for those who had been hopeless. Romero recognised he could change the lives of many, but also that the poor had positively changed his life too.
Romero believed it was his duty to work to free the poor from injustice, because just as Christ had suffered, He had also triumphed and Romero believed that the poor should experience justice on earth and see the Kingdom of God in the now, not only as a future reward. This belief was big in South America and was know as Liberation Theology [Looking at the how the Christian God brings freedom]
Do you think Romero was a saint? Prophet? Or Martyr? Why?
Think big!
Happy blogging
Ms Kerridge
Maybe start your research here http://www.cafod.org.uk/secondary/romero
Watch the video as well.
Friday, 19 March 2010
Have you ever had a religious experience???!
Calling all Yr 13s! Do you know what happened to me last night? Me. Mr McCarthy? God came to me, He said I shouldn't be teaching you religious experience for your exam instead I should just let you colour in Jesus. Why? I hear you scream ... Well, I 'll tell you why! Because by colouring in Jesus you actually see Him and He's real, and He might talk to you, whereas learning about the academic religious experiences for an exam and from textbooks is really boring and a real waste of your time and mine. What do you think? Justify your response with evidence [from scholarly opinion or your colourings/ pictures of Jesus]
Happy blogging,
Mr McCarthy
PS Who said bribery is dead! Best answer gets an Easter Egg from ... WAITROSE!
Happy blogging,
Mr McCarthy
PS Who said bribery is dead! Best answer gets an Easter Egg from ... WAITROSE!
Choosing to die with dignity?
So in Yr 11 we're looking at Euthanasia ... when someone who is terminally ill wants to put an end to their suffering and asks someone to help them die. Why is this such a controversial issue? Why is it illegal in this country? What do you think? It's legal to put animals to sleep to end their suffering but in the UK Euthanasia remains illegal. Why do people have to go to the Netherlands to get help with dying? What are you views?
Read about Dr Anne Turner http://www.dignityindying.org.uk/personal-stories/uk/south-west/bath/dr-anne-turner-story-9.html
Happy blogging
Read about Dr Anne Turner http://www.dignityindying.org.uk/personal-stories/uk/south-west/bath/dr-anne-turner-story-9.html
Happy blogging
What does it mean to be a good leader?
So, they say we're all leaders? Sometimes that doesn't seem quite right? How can you be a leader when you get told what to do...? THINK. REFLECT. RESPOND.
So we can lead others by example? Even if we are told what to do, we can still be leaders based on how we follow instructions, we can inspire others through our actions. It all comes back to Serviam. Just as we serve God, we serve others and we inspire them ... so every member of St Angela's is a leader.
So what makes a good leader? Is it having the loudest voice? Being the bossiest person? What...? Well the best example I can think of as a leader is Jesus. But why?
That is your mission, year 7. Find me a story about Jesus, where He's being a good leader and tell me why. Can you include a picture?
Look forward to reading your replies. Happy blogging :)
So we can lead others by example? Even if we are told what to do, we can still be leaders based on how we follow instructions, we can inspire others through our actions. It all comes back to Serviam. Just as we serve God, we serve others and we inspire them ... so every member of St Angela's is a leader.
So what makes a good leader? Is it having the loudest voice? Being the bossiest person? What...? Well the best example I can think of as a leader is Jesus. But why?
That is your mission, year 7. Find me a story about Jesus, where He's being a good leader and tell me why. Can you include a picture?
Look forward to reading your replies. Happy blogging :)
Monday, 15 March 2010
Should Christians suffer?
We've been looking at the idea of sacrifice [giving up something important to you]. We've seen how Jesus' sacrifice reconciled (brought back together again) man and God after sin separated them. We've reflected on how truly terrible Jesus suffering was ... so why then do Christians still suffer?
Take some time to reflect, post your response ... add an image, link etc as evidence to support your response. Happy blogging yr 9
Serviam, RE Dept
Maybe have a look at this image to get thinking http://www.vsawis.org/CollExh/AAC/2005winners/images/Marcella%20Paliekara%20-%20Suffering%20Servant%20-%202005_jpg.jpg
or go watch a movie
Take some time to reflect, post your response ... add an image, link etc as evidence to support your response. Happy blogging yr 9
Serviam, RE Dept
Maybe have a look at this image to get thinking http://www.vsawis.org/CollExh/AAC/2005winners/images/Marcella%20Paliekara%20-%20Suffering%20Servant%20-%202005_jpg.jpg
or go watch a movie
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