Monday, 22 March 2010

Oscar Romero - Saint, Prophet, Martyr or all of the above?

Wow! This Wednesday is the anniversary of the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero who gave his life to bring peace to the people of his country, El Salvador.

“If I get killed I will rise in the Salvadorean people.” Oscar Romero

He knew that by speaking out against the corruption of the government, he would eventually be silenced like so many others, but he also understood that this was his mission, to be the voice of the voiceless.

As a disciple of Jesus, Romero was called to follow Christ's example and he became a figure of hope for those who had been hopeless. Romero recognised he could change the lives of many, but also that the poor had positively changed his life too.

Romero believed it was his duty to work to free the poor from injustice, because just as Christ had suffered, He had also triumphed and Romero believed that the poor should experience justice on earth and see the Kingdom of God in the now, not only as a future reward. This belief was big in South America and was know as Liberation Theology [Looking at the how the Christian God brings freedom]

Do you think Romero was a saint? Prophet? Or Martyr? Why?

Think big!
Happy blogging

Ms Kerridge

Maybe start your research here

Watch the video as well.


  1. i think that this passage is appealing to christians and non christians as it really sends a message about poverty and injustice. i also think that oscar is a saint because he represents perserverence in every way
    fatmata mansaray

  2. I believe that Romero was a prophet and a martyr. He acted like a prophet; by spreading the true Word of God, and believed in his faith so strongly that he spoke against the government - despite their power. Although Oscar knew that by speaking against the government would result in death, he continued to preach about Liberation Theology - the topic of how God brings freedom. Romero followed Jesus' example of spreading the Word and Romero saw Jesus as his role model. I believe he could be recognised as a saint because he was and still is a symbolic/ significant figure of commitment, faith and hope. He gave hope to those who had been hopeless. He strengthened the people by saying 'If I get killed, I will rise in the Salvadorean people.'

    Elaine Afrane

  3. I don't think this makes him a saint. I think this because Jesus died for us and we don't think that Jesus is a saint. We think he is a Lord, so I think Oscar was a very good man for being the voice of the voiceless. So I think we should still worship him.

    Louise Nicolas

  4. Be careful there Louise, remember we only worship God and Jesus. We don't worship humans, we respect Romero for his faith and sacrifice and honour him because he is an inspiration but worship is only for God. Some good ideas here though. keep thinking big, happy blogging

  5. Jennifer & Jasmyn25 March 2010 at 14:57

    I think Oscar Romero was a very, very strong man. Even though he knew he would get killed, he never let that get to him. He carried on serving God, no matter what happened. He was a reflecion of Martin Luther King-He knew he was going to get killed for the rights of his people, but he continued with his hard work to get all Black people to freedom. The same with Oscar.

  6. Vanessa and Victoria25 March 2010 at 15:01

    I think that Oscar romero is a saint because a saint has faith and determination to acomplish their mission that God asked them to do and Oscar Romero's mission was to bring justice to El Salvador, Oscar wanted this so much so that he took his life for them just like Jesus did and he never gave up even when things were getting really hard for him and the fact that he actually died for them inspires me.

  7. I tihnk he's a saint because he cared for lots of people and did great things for people just like a saint and he stood up for people just like martin luther king being a good leader

  8. We think he is a saint because he died for his country.
    It's very good that he died for his country just like jesus did but for just for his country, because jesus did it for the whole world.

    iara dawn

  9. i think oscar romero is a good leader because people says that he stand up for the right and he actually belived in god and gave out a good love for others.but i dont think he is a saint because even though he gave his life for us jesus did the same and we dont call jesus a saint. do we miss keridge!!!!!!!!!!

  10. i think Oscar Romero wasn't a saint. oscar was like a prophet by spreading the true words of God and being faithful that he spoke against the goverment.

    Antoin Thevathasan

  11. I think that what Iara said was very true because Oscar Romero was fighting for freemdom whereas Jesus was dying to save our sins, their stories are similar although Oscar Romero wasn't holy and Jesus was.

  12. What a lot of interesting reflection. So was Romero just a very good man? Was he on a mission from God? Should we speak out and
    risk our lives - should we put ourselves in danger like that?

    Think big

    Happy blogging

  13. diana mangono and amy st.louis26 March 2010 at 10:36

    we think that he is all of the above because he did all of the things that those people were able to do

  14. Well Oscar Romero was a good man and he lead many people from El Salvador to the faith of God but he is still human and maybe he was good but God is more important and that is why he is god and yes i think we should remember him always but after The Lord

  15. i think thats we should follow his ways and stand up for what is right not wrong becuase if we do will be Rewareded just like Oscar Romero was.

  16. Jinsa Neelamkavil28 March 2010 at 15:38

    I think Oscar Romero was great Martyr who gave voice to voiceless for the poor people of El Salvador, Central America. I say he is Martyr because he stood for what he believed. For justice that every man-kind should be treated equally even if their rich or poor. Another reason I say he was good martyr is because he wasn’t afraid of giving up his life “If I get killed I will rise in the Salvadorean people”. God’s uses Oscar Romero sacrificed life to bring about some great benefit, particularly the benefit of saving others. Just like Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.

  17. I think Oscar Romero is a saint. He helped to keep faith alive and truly bought the teaching of jesus alive. He helped the poorest of the poor and defied and stood upto the richest of the rich. he truly was the voice of the voiceless. he was and still is well respected. He never let anything diminish his faith.

  18. I think that Oscar Romero died in a harsh way being assassinated also i think Oscars Family and friends will be hsrd to let go.....

  19. I dont really agree to Small sharon becouse you can blame people but you have to forgive them even thoe its hard to forgive the people that assassin Oscar.


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Serviam, RE Dept