Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Sorry seems to be the hardest word...


Ok, so no-one's perfect [you might be thinking speak for yourself Ms Kerridge!], we all make mistakes but when we hurt someone close to us and have to say sorry - that's something that some of us find tough. But why? Why are those 5 little letters so difficult? Sorry. Then again we often say it without meaning it. Why bother?

Why is sorry so hard to say?

Why is sorry so important to say?

What does sorry actually mean?

Lots to think about there! Think big, happy blogging

Ms K

Go watch Blue


  1. Gabrielle and Johanna25 March 2010 at 15:03

    Sometimes it very hard to say sorry because sometimes may not been your fault so you think why should I say sorry. Sorry is important because it means think you are admiitting the fact that you did something wrong but Some people may not accpect your "sorry".

  2. I think that sometimes it is hard to say sorry because you might feel guilty and you might not feel that it was not your fualt but to me sorry is is hard to say sorry but you dont want to say sorry your just saying it because you have to.
    You say sorry just to hear it back sometimes.

  3. Ariane& Rebecca25 March 2010 at 15:04

    Sometimes sorry can be hard to say because the problems that we face are sometimes not our fault and some of us aren't bothered to say sorry. Sorry is what you say when your telling someone that you didn't mean what you said/did.

    Ariane & Rebecca

  4. I think sorry is the hardet word because u have to face that you did something wrong and you dont want to face you did something wrong

  5. Jennifer & Jasmyn25 March 2010 at 15:07

    I think sorry could be a hard thing to say, especialoly when you could be saying it to an older person. But saying it to a younger person could be easier, as they're weaker than you. conclusion...? If you want someone to say sorry to you, you have to say sorry to them... what you give is what you get!

  6. mary n and maryg25 March 2010 at 15:09

    sorry is so hard to say becuse nobody likes the word sorry so it will be very hard for people like aduts children and ect
    to say.

  7. jessica and leigh25 March 2010 at 15:10

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  8. Kiara:Sorry is very important to say because you need to mean it. Sometimes when someone says sorry to me and DONT mean it I don't really care Im just happy they said it just hearing it sometimes makes me betterbut not every time it makes me better.
    Dona:i think sorry is something important because when some one says sorry to you it makes you think they care for you and they are thinking about your feelings.

  9. Grace and Laura25 March 2010 at 15:20

    Sorry is a hard thing to say because it's embrassing.
    sorry is important because you show the person that you want them to forgive you and to be friends again.
    sorry means forgive me i want to make a new start with you again.

    by Grace and Laura

  10. joani and janice25 March 2010 at 15:20

    sorry could be a hard word to say sometimes there is a bad and good to it
    from janice and joani

  11. I liked Gabrielle and Johanna's because they explained that it is hard to say sorry because it means u are admitting to something that you did wrong, even if they don't forgive you.

  12. I think sorry can sometimes be a hard word to say especially when you're in school, and you get in trouble for something you didn't do, your teacher dosen't believe you so she forces you to say it and if you don't say it you might get into further trouble so i think that sometimes sorry can sometimes be hard when you know you didn't do it.

  13. Some interesting ideas - saying sorry, just to hear it repeated to you, saying sorry when forced to and the difficulty of saying sorry when you don't want to. I liked Grace and Joani's definition of sorry - what does sorry means to you?

  14. jordan and louise26 March 2010 at 10:30

    We think that sorry is hard to say because we know we committed a sin. When we sin, we feel bad and think that God is going to punish us.BUT if we do say sorry we think that God will be really proud of us and the person we hurt, will feel better because we said sorry to them. It may be hard, we should at least try!

  15. Kiyana & Vanessa26 March 2010 at 10:34

    I agree with Gabrielle and Johanna's comment, it isn't easy to say sorry when you havent done anything and it isnt your fault. Sorry is important, sorry is hard to say but in the end we all have to say it and do something about it.

  16. Small Sharon and Sarah Bear26 March 2010 at 10:42

    I think it dependes if you are forced to do it you wont actually mean it and especially if you are blamed of something you did not do but the reason it is so hard is becuase we are humans and we dont want to think we did something wrong and we are guilty

  17. Rhonda and Tsykeira26 March 2010 at 10:47

    Saying sorry is hard to say because you feel like you have done nothing wrong yet you still kind of live with the guilt. Saying sorry is important because it saves friendship and much more. Sorry is asking for forgiveness of something you may or have not done wrong.

  18. I think sorry is one of the hardest words to say becuase people say it but they dont really meant it , which is also sinning so it maybe hard but when we do say sry thats the only way we are repenting

  19. I think SORRY is the hardest word because when I do something wrong I do feel like saying sorry but then I end up not doing it because of nerves and ye. SORRY is the hardest word(in my point of view)

  20. yes because sometimes i am soo mad i just can't say it because they are not worthy for it or just dont deserve it

  21. jemimah and emilie26 March 2010 at 11:03

    jemimah and emilie
    we think sorry is a hard way to say because sometimes we just say sorry but we dont mean it so when it comes to something big then it is hard to say it.

  22. I agree with Sarah and Sharon, because if we are forced to say SORRY then we won't mean it. But nobody should be forcing us to do anything. We should try to make the right decision- not let someone do it for us. If the person you hurt finds out that you were forced to say sorry, then they might not think you meant it. So I think when you say sorry you have to really mean it so that the person you hurt will feel much better. Although SORRY is the hardest word, when you say it you might become the BIGGER PERSON.

  23. i agree with emilie and jemimah, because sorry is a hard word to say and when people say it they don't really mean it even when its a big sistuation!

  24. Myah and Estelle31 March 2010 at 10:51

    Like "Love", "Sorry" can be a word overused, and sometimes when it's said it's not always from the heart.
    It's almost like a reflex, to say that you are "Sorry" but not really mean it because its a very hard word to say with absolute truth. A pair to Forgiveness.

  25. The word "sorry" is a difficult word to say because it is a word with A LOT of meaning. When you do say it to someone it shows that you are admitting that you have done something wrong and asking for forgivness for it. However some people don't take the word so seriously because they think it's just another word, the don't understand the kinds of things that one word can do:
    If a guy broke up with his girlfriend (she really loved him) and said sorry, a little later, because he really meant it (even though he broke up with her) it could have saved her (if she was about to commit suicide) and that one word saved her life.
    (weird example but it's the only one i could think of and Elaine said "it works!")

  26. I think sorry it extremely hard to say.When you believe that your right. Recently i have had a fight with someone this person was really mean to me my defence mechanism kicked in and put up a big wall. She apologised which i was greatful for, but she asked me too apologise back and i believe that im not to apologise for defending myself ! i dont know if i should say sorry back. Its soo hard to say. I strongly believe in forgivness but Apologies and forgivness is totally different.

  27. Sorry Is sometimes used as a way to get them self out of trouble, these days people really don't Use the Term "sorry" as it should be used. In some Situations sorry may not bring back the person they killed or sorry may not mend the heart that they broke but but strength from God we try to accept it and move on

  28. "Sorry" is a common word that is used carelessly over time and time again. The definition of sorry is not one word - it carries many others: forgiveness, repentance, regret and many more. By saying "sorry" we are saying more than one word. Saying sorry carelessly is just the same as not saying sorry at all. As Myah & Estelle said, it should come from the heart. :>

  29. Sorry might be so hard to say because you know what you’ve done is wrong, and you might hate feeling that you're in the wrong/admitting to it, buy you have to say sorry because what you might have done isn't/wasn't good. [If you get what I'm trying to say]...

    It’s important to say sorry because when we’ve done something wrong to someone, and we KNOW what we’ve done is wrong, we should say sorry to them because it shows you’re apologising and that you’re sorry [sad?] for what you’ve done and that you won’t/try not to do it again. It also shows that you’re trying to tell the person you’ve done something wrong to that you didn’t mean to do it... You’re also asking for forgiveness when you say sorry, like Smyrna said.

    Sorry actually means that you won’t do whatever it was that you’ve done, again. Like say, you’ve hit your friend because they were annoying you, when you say sorry, it means you won’t do it again and you’re apologising for hitting them...that what you done was wrong.... However also some people just use the word “sorry” like it doesn’t mean anything. Like Elaine said, it should come from the heart, you should mean it when you say it, or else there’s no point in saying it then...


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