Thursday, 25 March 2010

What does the "Our Father" mean to you?

So, we say this prayer everyday. We know the words off by heart, probably learnt it when we were really young. But how much time do we spend really reflecting on this prayer?

Our Father, Who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.

What does it mean?

Why do we say it?

What's the most important part of this prayer? Why?

It's a tough one. At the moment my favourite part of this prayer is "Give us this day our daily bread", because I feel that sometimes we take God for granted and don't always appreciated all the things He has given us and continues to do for us. So everytime I say that bit I remember all that He does and continues to do for me and I'm comforted because I remember He loves me so much He thinks of me everyday.

But what about you? What's your favourite bit, why? Why is this prayer so important?

Think big

Happy blogging

Ms K

PS My mum likes "Thy will be done" because it shows her that God has planned everything and He knows how things will turn out, so we can be happy knowing that if we follow His commands, He will guide our lives. Ask your family for their ideas. Comment on other peoples ideas.

Think big


  1. Sharon Lopez and Sarah Bear26 March 2010 at 10:22

    The our father prayer means that we have to think about God and how he loves us in many different ways.

  2. jordan and louise26 March 2010 at 10:22

    we think that the prayer our father means that jesus will come again because of thy kingdom come!

  3. Faith Francisco26 March 2010 at 10:24

    I think The Our father prayer is the most impportant becaouse The title is already about Our father and i think this prayer is mostly about our father.

  4. diana mangono amy st.louis26 March 2010 at 10:31

    we think it means he will forgive our sins as long as we try to do bad and also the peace in heaven will be just like the peace on earth

  5. We say it in order to respect God and dzo good in his ways that we shoudl remeber he is looking down at us and that we should always love God no matter what situation he has put us in.

  6. Olivia Ndila and Phillippa Hayman26 March 2010 at 10:35

    GOD means the whole world to me because he made me and every one else.God is like a father to me he watches out for me and protects me.

  7. Tracy Iboroma & Amy Watson26 March 2010 at 10:37

    TRACY AND AMY W ... we like "but deliver us from evil" because it makes us feel like we are protected by our father god

  8. fatmata mansaray26 March 2010 at 10:37

    i think the our father prayer is a very substancial and important prayer as it teaches us how our father provides for us and how he makes sacrifices. my favourite part of the prayer is "who art in heaven" as it shows us how god is everytwher and in heaven lokking down on us

  9. emilie and jemimah26 March 2010 at 10:41

    emilie & jemimah

    me and jemimah think that "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" is important because it tells us that one day that the earth will be like heaven and that if we are doing anything bad we should just think to ourselves would we do this if we were in heaven.

  10. Antolin Thevathasan26 March 2010 at 10:41

    What does it mean? To me this prayer means alot. This is because this prayer to me is very important because this prayer is mainly called the lords prayer.

    Why do we say it? We say the lords prayer mostly in church before we get the holy communion.

    What's my most important part of the prayer and why? my most important part of the prayer is " give us our daily bread" this is because this line reminds me of the last supper.

    Antolin Thevathasn

  11. Tsykeira and Rhonda26 March 2010 at 10:41

    I think that the Our Father prayer means that our Father who is in heaven we should praise him. Everything he does will come to pass and everything he says will go accordingly. That he forgives us of our sins that we have done unknowingly and we don't have to live with guilt. We should be able to forgive people who have done us wrong.

  12. I really ike Tracy and Amy's point - the prayer does make me feel very protected as well. As all is provided by God, all is kept safe by God and all is forgiven by God. Which links into Faith's point about how much we learn about our Father in heaven from this prayer and how much we have to say thank you for.

    Excellent thinking ladies.

    Think big

    Happy blogging!

    Ms Kerridge

  13. jemimah and emilie26 March 2010 at 10:44

    emilie and jemimah
    we agree with aisha because whatever we do whether it is bad or good God is always looking down on us!

  14. louise and jordan26 March 2010 at 10:44

    we (louise and jordan) think that oliva's and phillipa was a lovely comment and GOD is everything

  15. to Jordan

    Iloved how you said about Jesus returning add more info

  16. well done diana and amy very good answers i like it yay

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Wow Tsykeira and Rhonda - perhaps the most difficult bit of the prayer, having to forgive others! We also want God to forgive us but forget that in order to be forgiven we should and must forgive people who upset us and hurt those we love!

    Think big

    Happy blogging!

  19. Small Sharon and the amazing sarah bear26 March 2010 at 10:49

    I agree with aishs comment because we do say in respect to God because God created us and made us so that we can respect people and respect himk and thank him for making us this way.

  20. little puna panagars26 March 2010 at 10:50

    i think that the most imporant prayer is our father because it is a prayer that is granted by god to us .the bite that i like is Thy kingdom come,
    Thy will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven,beacause this shows that what ever god wants us to do will be done on earth .this really what we should do .i think its important because is do asin or if we belive in god ,when we say this it shows that we reconsile to god because we say sory

  21. Kymera Martin-James and Sharon-Anita Naisiko26 March 2010 at 10:53

    The Our Father means to me that we thanking him what he has done for us and prasing him with the prayer. Also he protects us from the people who trespass against us and he delivered us from evil. We like the part which say ''Thy will be done on earth as it in heaven'' because we are saying to The Lord that will we serve him on earth as they do it in heaven.

  22. jordan and louise26 March 2010 at 10:54

    to annonymous who by the way is philippa and olivia we thank you for your comment on our comment and we couldn't think of any other reply. But what do you mean add more info?

  23. I think the our father prayer means to forgive people who are rude to you and who you are rude to. The most important part of this prayer is "forgive those who trespass against us". This means that no matter what someone dose to you in the end you should forgive him/her.

  24. I think the "our father" means God will always be there for you and if you belive in him he will PROVIDE for you. by Grace

  25. Vanessa Patricia Mensah26 March 2010 at 22:15

    i think the "Our Father" shows what he went through for example when Jesus was being tempted by the Devil so he is basically saying deiliver us from evil. And when it says that give us our daily bread,God is actually saying that we must be greatful towards the food we get and there ain't that many people in the world that survive so we should be pleasant.

  26. To me our father means the prayer that god gave to so i say this prayer every day and also this prayer has lots of meanings to it.


  27. dona Like what type of meanings, Dona? What meanings do you think are most important? Why? Think big! Happy blogging! Ms K

  28. because they mean somthings that happen to jesusand we pray for the things we did.

  29. Personally The our Father gives me alot of faith. the line 'Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven' hopefully there is hope for us and the world we live in and sin would not eventually corrupt our lives and completly.

  30. It means that we are calling to “our father”.
    When it says thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, I THINK, it means that God’s will shall be done down in Earth like it’s done, in heaven.. It’s asking for forgiveness when it says “and forgive us our we forgive others.”... And not to lead us into tempting desires but make us turn away from evil....
    We say it because, it’s the Lord’s Prayer, and Jesus taught it to us. Although it might not be WORD FOR WORD, what Jesus said, it’s still what he taught us. We also say it because we’re asking God favours and for him to be with us ... Like when we say “give us this day our daily bread”...
    I think that, for me, there isn’t a part of this prayer that stands out as “IMPORTANT” because, personally, I think that the whole prayer is as equally as important as one line from this prayer. If that even makes sense.

  31. i think the our father prayer is a speacial prayer my favourite part is- and lead us not into temptation because it reminds me of lent when we have to give our favourite thing up and not get tempted.

  32. Our father is the Lords prayer, the prayer Jesus taught us. For me this is a very important prayer as we say this prayer during mass and when we say the rosary.
    I personally think each sentence of the Our Father has a special meaning. For example the first sentence of the prayer is “our Father”. I think this means we start of by calling God. The word “our” means your not just praying for your self but for other as well.
    The most important bit for me is “lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil” This means please help us not get caught up in temptation but take us away from evil. I think this important because in the 21st centaury you can easily get tempted with things for example money, food etc. When we get tempted we will have the urge to do things which may be evil. For example if your parents are rich and when they die you will inherit their money. If you don’t have the patience to wait for your parent’s death and then inherit the money. You might be evil and kill your parents can get the money faster.

    This payer is good prayer to be said when you prayer to God. As this prayer have important meanings. Plus its Prayer that Jesus taught us. If you want to follow Jesus’ footsteps I think this prayer will one of the ways to follow his footsteps.


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Serviam, RE Dept