Friday, 26 March 2010

Lying - should it really be one of the 10 commandments for the 21st century?

Sound familiar?

"Sorry Miss, printer ate my homework"
"Sorry, I can't come out tonight, Mum says I've got to stay in" [Lie, it's just you're already going out with better friends!]
"No, I didn't eat the last slice of cheesecake" [Yes you did in fact you're just swallowing it now!]
"Just tell them I'm not in and I can't come to the phone?!" [Erm, you're sitting right there!]

Ok so lying, very very tricky grey area - it clearly says "Thou shalt not lie" in the Bible. God said it, but somehow we manage to excuse ourselves with comments like "It's just a little one, it won't hurt anyone, no-one will ever find out etc etc" But can we really make excuses or is a little lie acceptable?

Do you think lying is lying - no matter how big or small? Does it depend? On what? Why?

Do you think lying is part of today's world and we shouldn't feel so bad about it?

What are your thoughts?

Think big

Happy blogging!

Ms Kerridge


  1. I think lying is still lying if it is BIG or SMALL. I think this because we should always tell the truth- even if it hurts someone's feelings. But if we do hurt someone's feelings then they know we are not lying and we are being very honest and very loyal to them, by not lying. BUT on the other hand... Some people ask for the truth EVEN if they can't accept it. So should we always tell the truth? Please Reply!

  2. Well
    I think that lying has become something that we do all the time and i think that if we think that ''its a only a small lie'' etc when actually that is not true because then the lie you send will spread and get much bigger an you will find yourself in trouble and yes it is also written in the bible that we should not lie and we should obey after all God made us and gave us life and there is always a consequence

  3. Louise is it worth it telling the truth if we hurt those we love? Your question is mine "Should we always tell the truth?" Or does it depend?

    Sharon I like what you say about lies growing, they can grow out of control and you can't remember who you told what to and the consequences become just too huge!

    Excellent start ladies.

    Think big!

    Keep blogging!

    Ms K

  4. God is not a lier he does not lie just as the scripture says Numbers 23:19

    God is not man that he should lie nor a son of man that he should repent. Has he said that he will not do or he has spoken and he will not make it good

  5. Lying is something that almost everyone does. It is not that it is done on purpose ut people use it to get out of tough situations. The real key to help yo solve all your problems is to pray to GOD. Lying always has it consequences, becase every chice you make couldhave a big impact on your life. When you lie you feel guilty for something you know is not true. People feel the need to lie because they think that it could make them friends but the real thing is to be yourself. While lying is in the ten commandments I believe that anything in the ten commandments should be obeyed because when u disobey words in the bible you ae doing that to GOD. Somtimes you may never even know when you tell a lie but it is something tat we all need to think aboutand how it canbringus joy in the meantime but also problems.

  6. I think that lying is wrong but sometimes we do it for the good of someone else. If you do lie the best thing to do is pray. because then GOD knows that you feel guilty, and he will forgive that sin. If its a friend asking you to lie so that nothing bad will happen, its not a good thing that they are lying, but it keeps your friendship tight. if this happens, tell them that you cannot lie, and if you have to get in trouble so they don't, then that's not a proper friendship. You shouldn't be asked to lie so don't.

  7. Tsykeira Akosah27 March 2010 at 18:06

    I think lying is very wrong but sometimes we do lie and think it would make things better not knowing that it is only making things worse. Lying is a sin and should stay in the Ten Commandments. People might think that they told a little lie and when they pray it would be forgoten; GOD will forgive them for lying, but it would always be with him as we are not meant to sin against our Lord, Christ. In the bible scripture says "Thou shall not lie and thou shall not sin." and as Christians, we are meant to follow what the Bible says. So to make a good world free of sin i think we should stop lying and tell the truth although it might be hard.

  8. Phillippa Hayman xxx28 March 2010 at 11:54

    i think lieing is a big thing everybody does it depending on if it is a big lie or not whatever size the lie it is still a le and it always hurts someones feeling no matter the size so it is good to tell the truth however hard it might be you have to fight that obstacle to be a good christian




    God WILL forgive you!

    but this is no excuse to lie whenever then juss pray for forgiveness without meaning it..

    you have to mean it so God knows you realy fell guilty about what you did.

  10. I think that lying is not good. In the end we are only lying to ourselves. We should try and tell the truth all the time even when it is hard to do.

  11. grace Well done Grace good use of scripture! Now think about what this means for Christians today!! Great stuff

  12. Lauren Hilaire Well done Lauren, you are making an interesting point, when we lie, who are we really lying to?! Are we really lying to ourselves about something! Great thinking!

    Think big.

    Happy blogging!

    Ms K

  13. Caitlin.R Lots of interesting ideas Caitlin, all sin is sin, no lie is worse or better than another, because when you lie - it's a lie, plain and simple. I also like your point about being honest with God, if you lie and think a quick confession that you don't really mean can make it alright, well then you're wrong, because God knows when you're being honest. Well done!

  14. I think the command should be made the main command so that every one will treat it with respect and I also think that a lie is a lie no matter what if its big or small it can hurt peoples feelings depending on their personality everyone shouldn't lie because it gets everyone mad/sad and can get ourself into trouble!!!

  15. Famous Amy W Interesting ideas Famous Amy W, is that the most important of the 10 commandments?

    What does everyone else think is "Thou shalt not lie" the most important commandment? Why?

    Give reasons!

    You know what to do!

    Think big,

    Happy blogging

    Ms K

  16. i think that sin is just soemthing us as humans do we cannot go our whole life without sinning we should try our best not to

  17. Vanessa Perucho29 March 2010 at 13:59

    It is true that everyone lies but depending on the situation that your lying about, it may be BIG or SMALL. People lie to protect they ohnes they love but lying just to go out or to buy sweet or something, thats bad and we shouldn 't lie just for the sake of ourself. Its ok to lie if its for a good thing or if it's for someone else is caring but it's not good to lie for ourself and for our own happiness. If lying is for a bad thing and for ourself that is a suin we all make...

  18. I think lying is OK but if you lie in a good way and you should make sure that the person your lying on will not get hurt so lying is a personal choice if you want to lie then lie in a good way not in the bad way so you should watch out how many times your lying because they're trust for you will go away......

  19. Antolin Thevathasan29 March 2010 at 17:02

    i think lieing is very wrong even though we lie sometimes. but lieing doesn't slove any promblems out but does makes problems much worser.

    Antolin Thevathasan

  20. Well i think you're lying should be one of the 10 commandments, also it's become something we ALL do I don't believe there could actually be someone who doesn't lie, we do it nearly every day.

    Have a Nice Week

    Iara Ramos

  21. little puna apnagaras' home work29 March 2010 at 19:26

    i think lying shouldnt be in the ten commandments because its hard to sstop lying.

    i think we should stop lying at hte same time because as sharon lopez said when we lye more and more we forget what we say and break up which God dosent want us to do . i have had expirenced this with my friends because they gossiped abouy my dad without me and then they said to me that im ying about my dad wich made me angry so we ahd a bis argument.this shows that they said a lye and then they fogot what they siad so it coused a argument and were still not friends .the conclusion is that there shouldnt be a rule not to lye and the more you lye the more consaqunces you face.even though you say stop lying we cant stop lying our selves. so one day we will all learn a lesson

  22. jemimah kanyion29 March 2010 at 22:00

    jemimah kanyion
    everybody lies which is not a good thing but sometimes we do it to get ourself out of tough times in life but we should always try not to because God isnt happy when we do because we are disobeying him because it is in the ten commandments. also we shouldnt lie because in the end the truth comes out.

  23. fatnata mansaray30 March 2010 at 08:36

    i think lying is a sin but somet8imes needs to be used in some circumstances. i feel that as good Christians when we lie we should always as for forgiveness from our lord . i think this passage is very empowering and useful

  24. i think lying is the worst thing to do because it can get you into trouble. some people get away with lying but some how any time GOD would punish them. so i agree that lying is bad!

  25. I don't think anyone should lye but sometime people use lies called white lies and these lies are lies to protect people. But you should not lie because it is a sin.
    every now and again people lie but every one lies at a point of thier lives.

  26. I think that lyin is stil lyin weather its BIG or small but sometimes you have to lie but lyin is still wrong because its one on the 10 commandments and we shall obey them and we should definatly not lie we should learn to tell the truth

  27. I think everyone lies to get out of things because they don't want to be involved in things they have done them selves, but when you lie you get separated from God everytime. I think it's better telling the truth than to lie and be away from God.

  28. I think a certain type of lying is acceptable as in telling the truth but not the whole truth e.g. (you) "dad im going to Myahs house" when really your meeting at Myahs and then going somewhere else like china town"

  29. Lying should be a commandment. Just because people lie day in, day out, doesn't mean it shouldn't. Lying is bad and we as good Christians should stop x

  30. i think that theres no such thing as white lies or small lies because they are all the same!
    it depends on the situation you are in that makes it okay to lie.
    But, would it ever even be okay to lie? can you think of a lie that wouldnt hurt someone? if your thinking of times when you lie because your friend asks if what shes wearing looks nice, but it really doesnt, then that could still hurt her feelings because she wants to know the truth, right? and if it really doesnt look nice, she would blame you for telling her it does!

  31. If you lie you lie but at the end of the day you are the one whos going to feel guilty. I can understand if you lie so that you don't hurt your friends feeling by saying "It's not your colour maybe blue" when really they just look really fat. x Shannon

    I think that Lyining should still be in the 10Commndments in the 21st century because all lies are sins and no sin is bigger than the other. Also God never changes, he is an unchangeable God, the only Commnadment that was changed was *A@n eye for an eye* this was canceled by Jesus, because before jesus came there were more wars going on and I think it was Jerusalem that was a fighting country. So thats why it should still stay. x Tayo

  32. Aali and Jaydine31 March 2010 at 10:59

    I believe that small lies are innocent if they don't hurt peoples' feelings or have bad concequences. But I believe that lying should be part of the ten commandments because it is still against God's will

  33. Myah and Estelle31 March 2010 at 10:59

    Argh, the lying stage. I think we've all lied once in a while.
    As Christians, we are not supposed to lie because lying is against one of our Ten Commandments.
    However, sometimes we lie for good reaons. We may lie to protect others, and sometimes a lie might benefit for the future.
    But we should all try our best not to lie.

  34. Eddisia and Kirsty31 March 2010 at 11:02

    we think lying is lying no matter how big or small however it depends on the situation eg. if your friend was going to get killed and you were asked where they were you will lie in order to save their life.

    by Eddisia and Kirsty

  35. Lying IS lying... no matter how BIG/SMALL, because at the end of the day, it's still lying.
    Does it depend? - Well, I guess so, but it's still lying and it's still bad. It depends because, like Naomi said, if your friend asked you if what their wearing looks nice, and it doesn't you might use a white lie and say it looks ok.. So you don't hurt their feelings. But still it's a lie for a good cause... However they still wanted the truth, BUT if you said it doesn't look nice, then I'm sure there would be serious problems. =D ... but still, it's the truth.. So if you lie in a situation like this, you're probably trying not to hurt your friend's feelings/trying to not fal out with them...

    Lying is part of todays world, because the more we lie, the more we get used to lying and the more we lie naturally.. We should feel bad about it if we know that what we lied about was very wrong..

  36. I too agree with most of the comments that are on here. We as the folowers and the believers of christ know it is very wrong to lie and like JJ said no matter how big or small it is.But we as humans just feel the need to lie, just so that we dont hurt the feeling of people around us. That shows that you care about other people and their feelings, but lying is the wrong way to go about it. We should be honest to them and make them understand and if they dont take thing too harshly, then I believe that they will.

    And as for the people that lie to protect themselves, all I have to say is that they shouldn't have got them selves into such a situation where lying is the only option for them. They should've just been resposible about it and they wouldn't have had to lie. If your dog realy did eat your work or whatev. then fair enough. But remember that one little lie can turn into one big lie orlying too often can lead to too many lies.

    But going back to christians, if we are truly sorry for our actions then we can ask God for his forgivness and make sure that we dont do it again. THE END

  37. Abigail Erhabor1 April 2010 at 16:15

    well, lying is something that everybody does just to save from getting into trouble.
    However, lying gets you nowhere at times because eventually the truth could be exsposed.

  38. Phillippa Hayman5 April 2010 at 15:07

    Fatmata i liked the powerful words you used such as empowering

  39. i think that lying isnt good because its a sin and jesus died because he wanted all of our sins to go away but were filling ourselves with more sins than good things it just like we are drinking more coke than fanta meaning we are drinking more sin than good

  40. When you lie it just means you have lied how ever big or small the lie is. You can’t hide the fact you have lied. However you can decide what type of lie you’re lying. Meaning the lie can big which people will dislike or a small which might not hurt much.
    Usually small lies are easy to control and it’s less of a hassle. Also small lies are more realistic and people will easily believe the lie. For example “I haven’t had chocolate in one whole week” (when you really had a chocolate). People may believe this like your friends because they trust you. But if your friends do find you eating a chocolate there might be a tiny problem but it won’t big or serious. This because their still your friends and that is something silly to break up a friendship. Although if you lie a lot to your friends, they will eventually start loosing your trust.
    One the other hand big lies are serious there must an important reason to lie, how ever its best to come clear if the situation is that big of a deal. If you do decide to lie and the person found out you were lying. You can get to into serious trouble. It is also quoted in the bible “A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who pours out lies will not go free”. Proverbs 19:5 Therefore in serious situation lying should be the last resort.
    Humans been lying for centuries even Adam and eve have, the first humans on earth. God didn’t accept the lied and disobeyed him. This is why they were punished and sent down to earth. As JJ said lying comes naturally to humans since we have been doing its long. As Catholics lying is one of the commands and personally you should always try hard not to lie.

  41. I Think That Lying Is not Good But Sometimes it hurts peoples feelings....We shouldn't Lie because we wouldnt be abyding the laws of the 10 commandments.. We Should All Tell The TRUTH Even If Hurt Somebodies Fellings

  42. Personally I can't descide if it should be a commandment or shouldn't because, for example it shouldn't be in the bible because i think that everyone no matter what still lies even though we shouldn't because it is against the ten commandments, yet we are still human and it's practicaly in our nature to tell a lie at some point in our ives.
    I also think that it should be a commandment because when we lie the commandments always remind us that it's part of the ten commandments not to lie.Also as it is said "No sin is bigger than another." even though it seems that lying is a smaller than killing someone which is also a sin,lying is still a sin and it is still wrong as we know it is, exspecaily as christians.

  43. JESSICA FERREIRA20 April 2010 at 14:11

    well everyone can lie because they cant defend themselves but no matter your weak at lying just tell the truth because that person will understand that. when you lie it is true CONSEQUENCES WILL HAPPEN!!!!!!


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