Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Please have your say ... but do it in the right way.

Hello all,

Just a quick few points.  I'm happy for you to comment on any post, but you must remember the following

1.  Proper English [no textspeak.  Use the English language - words you find in the dictionary, used in the appropriate way!]
2. You must make it clear who you are, so when it comes to posting your comment, when selecting profile, pick "Name/ URL" but leave URL blank
3. When replying to others always be respectful

That's about it for now.

Think big,

Happy blogging

Ms K

PS If you have any RE-related issues you want to discuss, post as a comment to this blog and we'll see if we can fit it in!  See, co-constructing the virtual discussion!  Think big!


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Serviam, RE Dept