Parengal [Tamil for Listen!]
This week at school is Refugee Week - when we explore what it means to be a refugee and we focus on the positive contribution that Refugees make to society. In PSHE and all your different subjects you've been exploring lots of different themes relating to Refugees.

The most famous Christian Refugee was Jesus as His parents fled from Israel to Egypt looking to keep their son safe. Jesus brought us freedom from sin, His birth and death allows us to have a relationship with God the Father, so He made an extremely important contribution to our lives. Sometimes the word refugee can make people think all different types of bad stuff about a person.
THINK BIG: What do you think? Should we judge someone based on what we've heard? Is this a good thing? Is it human nature?
Read this poem, what do you think it means?
So I have a new name – refugee.
Strange that a name should take away from me
My past, my personality and hope.
Strange refuge this.
So many seem to share this name – refugee
Yet we share so many differences.
I find no comfort in my new name.
I long to share my past, restore my pride,
To show, I too, in time, will offer more
Than I have borrowed.
For now the comfort that I seek
Resides in the old yet new name
I would choose – friend.
THINK BIG: Do you think it's ok to label people? How can it make us feel being labelled?
Happy blogging
Ms K!